New academic year means that the new cohort of SUMA students has started their EIT Labelled Master Programme adventure. In total, there are 42 newly enrolled students which are spread around 7 different tracks. The students are currently following their first year at KU Leuven, UNIMIB, University of Trento and MU Leoben.
Partner universities organized the kick-off meetings for the newly arrived students. During the meetings, the SUMA students had a chance to get first explanations about the programme, meet the professors as well as their peers and share a welcome drink with them.

Important part of those meetings, was a presentation of EIT Raw Materials Academy to the students. Wesley Crock introduced the Academy as well as provided an overview of opportunities that are available for the students of EIT Labelled Master Programmes. SUMA students can participate in the wide range of activities offered by EIT Raw Materials such as Label-StartUp! Days or the RACE. These unique events are to inspire and teach the students about innovation and entrepreneurship so that once graduated, the students are prepared to establish their own start-ups.
We wish all the SUMA students a successful and inspiring year!