EIT Label & Community
EIT RawMaterials Academy
By studying an EIT-labelled Master’s you are joining an international community established to unite forward thinkers and entrepreneurs, to share ideas and make innovation happen.

EIT RawMaterials and the EIT Label
The SUMA programme has received the EIT Label, a quality seal awarded to top Master and PhD programmes that excel in shaping a new generation of students into game changers and innovators.
Students of EIT Label programmes learn how to transform their specialist knowledge with key innovation and entrepreneurship skills into sound solutions to pressing societal challenges. At EIT RawMaterials, eligible EIT Label students also receive grants totalling EUR 13,500.
EIT RawMaterials, initiated and funded by the EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology), a body of the European Union, is the largest consortium in the raw materials sector worldwide. Its vision is to develop raw materials into a major strength for Europe. Its mission is to enable sustainable competitiveness of the European minerals, metals and materials sector along the value chain by driving innovation, education and entrepreneurship.
EIT RawMaterials unites more than 120 core and associate partners and 180+ project partners from leading industry, universities and research institutions from more than 20 EU countries. Partners of EIT RawMaterials are active across the entire raw materials value chain; from exploration, mining and mineral processing to substitution, recycling and circular economy. They collaborate on finding new, innovative solutions to secure the supplies and improve the raw materials sector in Europe.
As an EIT Label student, you will have the opportunity to become part of this committed partnership, to build your network of like-minded students and professionals, and to take part in an exciting range of activities to help you to launch your career in raw materials.

EIT RawMaterials Alumni
From the moment you enrol on the SUMA programme, you are eligible to join EIT RawMaterials Alumni. This organisation provides a great opportunity to network with past and present participants in the many and varied EIT RawMaterials activities, such as business idea competitions, start-ups, professional development courses and Master’s and PhD programmes.
It is run by and for its members, who can benefit from events, career development and educational activities and much more, forming a hub for a diverse range of raw materials students, academics and professionals. Furthermore, the EIT RawMaterials Alumni provides you with a connection to the wider EIT Alumni community and alumni events around Europe.
Student Board
The Label Student Board brings together students from across the EIT RawMaterials Labelled Master and PhD programmes. By getting involved in the Label Student Board, you’ll have the opportunity to contribute to the development of the labelled programmes, attend and help organise events and activities for label students from across Europe, make new connections and become an ambassador for the EIT Label.
Get the EIT-Labelled Master Programme Prospectus
Introduction to EIT RawMaterials and the EIT Label

More from EIT RawMaterials
View EIT RawMaterials' Upcoming Events
EIT RawMaterials coordinates events for students, professionals and entrepreneurs with a working interest in sustainable raw materials.
Meet our Programme Advisors
In order to ensure the SUMA Master programmes are ‘fit for purpose’, an Industry Advisory Board has been installed to:
- Align the Master programmes with the EIT RawMaterials consortium’s vision
- Support the development of industrial internships
- Support the organisation of the summer schools
Below we present the members of our Industrial Advisory Board – all of whom are very eager to meet the SUMA students!

Bruno Hribernik
Bruno Hribernik is an Executive Member of the Managing Board of ASMET (Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials) since 2012. He is also the Managing Director of ASMET Research GmbH since 2016. He received his education Montanuniversität Leoben and became Ing. Dr. in Metallurgy and Material Science 1972 – 1977. In his professional career, he presents the following experiences:
- Lecturer at Montanuniversität Leoben (1986 – 2017)
- Senior R&D Adviser voestalpine Edelstahl GmbH /voestalpine High Performance
- Metals GmbH (Nov 2011 – Nov 2017)
- Senior Vice President R&D , Quality and Sustainable Development (1991 – 2011)
- Honorary Senator – Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft, Austria (1988 – Present)

Bruno comments: “The “War for Talent” was introduced by “The McKinsey Quarterly” and discussed an expected talent shortage on the labour market 20 years ago. They pointed out that talent matters and that companies who are successful on the market are those who are the best with locating, assessing, recruiting, and keeping the most talented people. More and more companies started to “fight” for the most talented people and become competitors on the labor market as well.
“Today universities have to fight for the best students, too. I (ASMET) support the efforts of their industrial stakeholders and Montanuniversität to attract the best students to metallurgy and material science studies. I hope to be able to convince excellent students to select the Master programmes on Sustainable Materials as basis for a successful academic or industrial career.”

Lucia Zullino
Lucia Zullino received the Laurea degree in Condensed Matter Physics from the University of Pavia in 1982. In 1986 she joined STMicroelectronics, where she committed to Technology CAD activities within the mixed Bipolar-CMOS-DMOS technology design group, contributing to the development of several SmartPower Technological nodes. Since 2009 she is Senior Member of Technical Staff. She manages at present T-CAD Competence Center of the Smart Power Technology R&D Department.

“We at STMicroelectronics are very motivated to combine our own resources and academic know-how, to co-operate with students and/or research organisations, in order to investigate in advance topics of future relevant application interest.”

Enrico Veneri
Enrico Veneri holds a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Padova (Italy). He has begun his professional activity in 2000 as employee of Zanardi Fonderie S.p.A. fulfilling technical assignments to develop machining methods for ‘Austempered Ductile Iron castings’. In 2007 he took the lead in innovative development activities as a project manager. Now his main activities are focused on:
- Customer oriented material engineering properties investigation
- Research projects for new or improved materials through Austempering technology
- Technical support for ADI parts development process

Enrico explains: “We believe that material substitution towards lightweight and material-efficient components needs a holistic approach through engineering, business strategy and supply chain management. The Master SUMA programmes ensure that this approach is interwoven throughout the master. Therefore we are very interested in meeting the students who graduate from this ambitious programme.”

Markus Reuter
Markus Reuter is originally from Stellenbosch (South Africa) where he studied chemical and metallurgical engineering. After having worked for several years in Anglo American, he returned to academia and did his habilitation in Germany. After that he worked at Mintek South Africa leading the furnace process control group, after which he had a tenured track professorship in process metallurgy and recycling at TU Delft in The Netherlands for nine years.
He returned to the metallurgical industry in Australia and Finland, working for the technology provider Outotec as the Chief Executive Technologist (Ausmelt-Outotec) and Director Technology Management at Outotec. His career combines various positions in industry and research, he holds various professorships globally to link to the young generation, and he has been awarded various prizes and two honorary doctorates.
Since the end of 2015 he has been the director of the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (Germany). More information can be found at on his career, publications and patents via LinkedIn and Google Scholar.

Markus is very keen to meet and stay in touch with students: “[because] You will catalyse change, therefore I would like to meet you. My eagerness to interact with the SUMA students is without any doubt all about you as changers and enablers of the future and may I say the Universe”.
Speak with our Label Ambassadors from
around the world
If you would like to learn more about what it is like to study on the SUMA programme then contact one of our Label Ambassadors below to find out about their experiences and journeys of studying with us. You can alternatively speak with one of our EIT Label team with any questions that you may have on the programme.